1. About the course Data-Science-with-Python#

This repo contains the main contents of a course on Data Science with Python. Contents of this course are used in the study abroad subject with the same name at the Faculty of Sciences, Technology and Engineering at the UVic-UCC.

1.1. Instructions to build the HTML site#

The repo contains an HTML site that can be accessed through this link. To build the site when updating the material of the repo, you should install jupyter book and ghp-import, to make the handling of the gh-pages branch easier. In short, once installed and assuming that your local repo copy is <local_github>/Tools do the following:

cd <local_github>
jb build Data-Science-with-Python; cd Data-Science-with-Python; git add .; git commit -m "update"; git push; ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html